Hey there! 👋

We're happy to have you participating in our referral program, as it helps more people find out about our programs and start their journey in tech.

If you don't have a promo code yet, don't worry, we'll send it to you within 1-3 days after you’ve submitted the form.

Check out this page to find some tips on how to tell your friends and colleagues about your promo code, as well as some pictures you can use to illustrate your posts and useful links.

Thanks for your support and spreading the word!

How to share

➡️ Make a post on your social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)

You can share a post with your TripleTen project, achievement badge, or just write some thoughts about your experience. You can find templates at the end of each module. Here is the general template:

Hey! I'm learning Data Science/Data Analytics/Software Engineering at TripleTen! I've learned <...> and mastered <...> skills so far.
I have a personal promo code for a 30% discount for any TripleTen program. To get the discount, send me a private message!

#TripleTen #TenTechSquad #TripleTenTenacity #StudentsWhoCode

Quick note — Don’t forget to tag the TripleTen account in your post:  InstagramLinkedInFacebookTwitter

➡️ Share a video review about your experience on YouTube or TikTok

How to get ready?

Lighting: record in a well-lit room (in daylight if possible); position yourself in front of the windows or with your main light source facing you, not behind you; avoid overhead lights.

Camera and Recording: shoot horizontal; smile, especially at the beginning 🙂; do a short recording test to make sure you can see and hear yourself clearly; speak more slowly than you would in person.

Imagine that you are talking to your friend. Forget about the camera and just tell your friend what has happened to you and why it might be inspiring or helpful for them. Have fun with it!

By the way, if you need help recording a video review, please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help!

At the end of your video, don't forget to include information about your promo code.

I have a personal promo code for a 30% discount for any TripleTen program. To get the discount, send me a private message!

#TripleTen #TenTechSquad #TripleTenTenacity #StudentsWhoCode

Here are some examples of videos recorded by our students: